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Accessing Saved Wifi Password on the device...

             Disclaimer: Don't use this program with the intent of harming and gaining unreasonable access. In case you use it for the wrong cause, you are violating the cyber laws, and none of my posts are responsible for this.                Hello techies, welcome back to our new blog. In our last blog, we had discussed what keyloggers are and how to make one using Python. In this blog, we are going to discuss Wi-Fi and how to access the saved Wi-Fi passwords.               Usually, while connecting with the Wi-Fi we have to enter some passwords to access the networks, but we are not directly able to see the passwords we have entered earlier i.e. passwords of a saved network. In this article, we are going to recover those passwords using some lines of codes in Python. To do this, we are going to use the subprocess module of Python.      ...

Road-Map to become an Ethical Hacker

      The increasing use of internet has improved the life of man kind. On the other hand, the internet is also been cursed by some highly skilled people(the so called BLACK HAT HACKERS) misusing it to steal data, breach securities and your data for money or revenge or for fun (Yes for fun😑) ! 
       So, now everyone is bit interested to know how to be one of them so you can do this too(But don't forget that this will take you to jail👮..!!).  Reason is you are not allowed to do this without the permission of the organization or person(Sounds good, right. But don't forget to make agreements with them for your safety😄).
 So, how to do this legally ?  
        Be a certified WHITE HAT HACKER. Not only because being black hat is illegal but because you will be considered a reputed person in the society(Time to impress society now). Are you now interested to become a WHITE HAT HACKER ??  If Yes, then keep reading this to get the road-map of becoming a WHITE HAT HACKER.
        The basic(but highly essential) thing that one should need is:
1) Knowledge of Programming Languages,
2) Knowledge of different Operating Systems,
3) Knowledge of Networking,
4) Build a hacker's like attitude and qualities,
5) Attend sessions and conferences to gain additional knowledge,
6) Practice all the time.

       Let's  discuss this all in detail because half knowledge is always dangerous(just kidding but its true).
         1) Knowledge of Programming Languages:
      In hacking, a good knowledge of programming language is essential(just like food essential for body). Your coding skills are base of the hacking skills. You can use this knowledge to create such tools and programs that can give you a good advantage in cyber warfare(if that happens).
     Which programming language to learn will be the next question? So they are as follows with the purpose I use them for:
    1) Python: For making tools and execute some other stuff(this stuffs will be discussed in other blogs as well.. So be in touch with my blogs).
     2) HTML, CSS, Javascript: For website analysis and debugging.
     3) PHP : Also for website analysis.

     4) C: A basic programming language every programmer must learn.
    This are essential languages and must learn them you can also learn JAVA for android hacking(if interested), SQL, RUBY and other languages.

       2) Knowledge of Operating Systems:
     It is required as different operating system are attacked using different methods. So knowing the operating system is an advantage. Most White Hat Hackers prefer using KALI LINUX as it is completely designed for penetration testers and hackers. This OS is like a fully loaded weapon as it contains all the tools that the hackers and penetration testers actually need.
    Let me specify the OS's first, so that it will be easy to understand.
    1) LINUX: KALI LINUX is most used among other LINUX extensions.

    2) WINDOWS: Reason is it is the most commonly used OS in the world(be clever enough to understand what I meant to say).

    3) UBUNTU: Another LINUX extension which is again highly used by mostly programmers and students of IT and CSE.
    4) MACINTOSH(MAC): Most used OS after WINDOWS.

      3) Knowledge of Networking:

     Networking is the import aspect as per hacking point of view. That's the reason why everyone prefers to use secured networks. The unsecured networks are easy to access can check the data that you are sending to others. So, learning networking can help you to keep yourself and others safe.

     4) Build a hacker like qualities and attitude:

      It is the most weird thing that most people think, but its necessary. They are:
 1) Hunger of knowledge: You must not stop at any point considering it as an endpoint of hacking. Hacking is endless and a single attack can be executed in many other ways. If you rest at a point, may be you won't get a easiest path in executing anything. You must not restrict your thinking at any cost.
   The only mistake that beginners must not do is NEVER GIVE UP... 
 2) Try being anonymous: I mean to say is don't expose yourself as an hacker. Be quite and learn. Otherwise, you will be asked to hack peoples FB, WHATSAPP(It sounds funny but its true😂). Jokes apart but its a fact. People will ask you to do silly stuff. So, its better to hide your identity as hacker in your lab.
  3) Be creative: Your creative thinking can help you to learn this easily and find some awesome stuff out here.  Try reading articles, books to gain some knowledge about hacking.
  4) Become a problem solver: Because hacking is all about solving various problems using their programming language skills(Here's the reason why programming language is essential for hackers).

     So, this is all about Road-map to become an ethical hacker. Still one thing left is be CERTIFIED. Now, you are done. Learn this skills and help build your nation by securing the internet and please don't misuse it(Untill you wish to be in the jail). So, keep learning and follow all the steps. 
